Midnight oracle

Tarot Readings by Splendorina

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Books, Oracles, Potions and Fortunes in Shirogane

Shirogane-Ward 25 Subdivision-Kobei Goten Apartment #15
*Readings can be OOC or IC. Times for Large readings or rp story events need to be prearranged.

TOMFOOLERY: A single card pulled fortune cookie sort of oracle. Read aloud to the room.
-10,000 Gil

One card Oracle: Exactly what you think. Do you have a question? Just wanting a random tip from the universe? Best for a quick bit of advice or very simple questions that need little meditation. This will take approximately 5-10 Minutes.
-50,000 Gil
*can be switched to the Love Oracle deck on request

Three Card oracle: Simple spreads for questions need more than a simple answer. They cards represent your Situation, Obstacle, and Advice. Sometimes you may get a bonus card depending on how the reading. This reading will take approximately 15-20 Minutes.
-100,000 Gil
*Can be switched to a Monthly/Weekly forecast upon request

Five Card Oracle: Sometimes I read the Cross Oracle other times I read the Star Oracle. The cards in my cross represent Past, Present, Future, Circumstance, and Potential. In my Star oracle represent SItuation, Self, Obstacle, Reflection, and Advice. This will potentially take 25-30 Minutes.
-175,000 Gil
*You may request Cross or Star, I just usually pick one at events for smoother workflow.

Ten and Twelve Card Oracle: Highly detailed readings best for complex questions and situations or for Yearly or Zodiac Oracles. This is a big one. we make warm drinks and have a nice long chat. These sessions go as long as they need to. Choose between the Celtic Cross, Zodiac and Yearly Oracle.
-500,000 Gil
Celtic Cross: A ten card spread for asking advice on situations or about oneself.Zodiac Oracle: Twelve Card oracle that covers the 12 personality areas. Can be used for couples as well as self discovery.Yearly Oracle Twelve cards that apply to different areas of life for a yearly forecast.
*If I am having a slow night this could potentially happen but you would need to go last. Ideally a time for this should be arranged or can happen after an event.

Special Occasions: Have an FC or RP event you wanna give an auspicious intro to? A unique way to propose? Superstitious person in need of an oracle before their next venture? Birthday or private party? Just hanging around your fc oocly and want some silly entertainment? Send me a note letting me know what you are thinking!

Events, Clubs, and Festivals: Send me a message and lets work out a mutually beneficial arrangement. I am always looking for places to read. Your guests will get a fun experience. I am also available for Auctions!


IC: Splendorina or just "Rina" is a woman of many talents. Old books of magic, potions, Tarot and fortunes is her trade. Stop in to her shop or catch her reading at festivals. Sometimes you can even find her travelling around. She can usually be found in the Midnight Oracle or at the Golden Rabbit, home of The Night Crew right up the road.The Shop: Midnight Oracle is a shop that exists on Crystal-Mateus - Shirogane-Ward 25 Subdivision- Kobai Goten Apartment #15. If you can't get to Shirogane, I travel! I offer a variety of types of reading.Why the name Midnight Oracle?: I am a night owl and when reading for shops, I would usually start the late night shifts and read cards till close moving on to quiet bars and pubs reading cards till the sun came up. My friends picked the name because I was never awake for daytime readings and I used it for my IRL business name for many years.OOC:I'm just a nerd for who really likes tarot. I collect and adopt decks of all sorts and love to talk about them. I worked for many years in various shops in New Orleans, Jackson Square, home readings, as well as being a phone psychic when that was a thing that existed! I have over 200 Tarot Decks and rotate them frequently but Murry Hope's Way of the Cartouche is my go to deck of choice.
Special thanks to all of the Night Crew. You know why.

*All photos by Ciso Himura - Manduin, find him at ciso_ffxiv on Instagram


Send me a message with Questions about Tarot, RP or to arrange a Reading!

*If you do not wish to enter an email and prefer to communicat e via discord, fill in the email field "[email protected]" and leave your discord details in the message section

Thank you

I appreciate you taking the time to write me! I usually respond within 24 hours.

What is Tarot?

Cartomancy or divining with cards is an ancient art seen in many cultures. The Tarot we recognize now came from a form of cartomancy called Trionfi (Trumps). Trumps was thought of as a sin used by swindlers and viewed mostly as a game.Trumps stayed mostly unchanged save the number of cards throughout the 14th-17th century and was mostly used by Romani peoples and seen as heathen witchcraft. The French obsession with Occultism in the 18th century would change it from a card game and parlor trick frippery to a mystical accepted form of divination.I would recommend reading about Antoine Court de Gebelin, as well as the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn. Members of the Hermetic order are famous for creating the Rider-Waite-Smith and Thoth decks which became synonymous with the craft. If you want more reading recommendations hit me up!

Entertainment, Mysticism, Psychological, or Divine?

There are alot of theories on Tarot and how it "works". For some it's still just a silly game, others its more. Some people believe it is a tool for understanding yourself and others see it as advice the divine or magic. My favorite interpretation was by Jungian psychologists who felt by touching or meditating over the cards your subconscious knew where every card in the deck. Shuffling allowed your subconscious mind to give advice to your conscious mind. In short, your answers come from within.If you have questions or want to discuss tarot that's what I am here for. The goal is a fun and enjoyable time to be had by all! I want you to get the most out of your experience.

Decks I am currently using: The Wisdom Seeker Tarot, Love Oracle, and The Necronomicon Tarot (1982)

What to expect at a reading

We sit and discuss what service you want, some light meditation and card shuffling, I read the cards, you get to ask questions. Sometimes extra cards fall out during a shuffle or we pull another if something is unclear. Think of it as having a quiet chat with a friend.

Do I have to tell you my question?

Absolutely not! It doesn't make a difference and I prefer you do whatever feels best to you but I absolutely do not need to know your question to read cards for you.

Will everyone see my reading or hear it in a voice chat?

All readings with the exception of the Tomfoolery one card fortune (see services) are private and usually typed in game chat. VC is usually reserved for long term clients or people getting the 10-12 card oracles or RP experiences, but this is negotiable for parties and events. Outside those exceptions the reading is especially for you.

Are Tips Expected?

Tips are welcomed but NEVER expected.